Course Offerings 2024 Spring

Major Courses

(Any course may be taken as an elective if there are no prerequisites or a student has satisfied them.)

Art and Art History

McDaniel Plan Designation

CE ART 1117 Design (Prof. Zsofia Görömbei)
CE ART2210 Digital Photography ((Prof. Gabriella Csoszó))
ART 3316 Graphic Design II (Prof. Csilla Kőszeghy)
ART 2203 Drawing Concepts: Drawing II (Prof. Tamás
Szigeti) Prerequisite: ART 1101)
ART 4492 Senior Show Preparation
AHY 4491 Capstone Research
SCH AHY 1114 Survey, History of Art II (Prof. Attila Horányi)
TA PHI 2222 Philosophy of Art (Prof. Gabriella Szigethy)




Passing both parts of the Math Proficiency Test (Arithmetic & Basic Algebra) is a general pre-requisite for all courses in Business, Economics, Mathematics and Statistics.  The prerequisite for upper-level (3000 or 4000) courses in Economics is completion of ECO 2201 Principles of Economics

BUA1102 Principles of Accounting II (Prof. Reka Martel)
BUA 2209 Principles of Marketing (Prof. Zoltán Sipos)
BUA 2103 Digital Marketing (Prof. Tibor Farkas)
BUA 3323 Corporate Finance (Prof. László Horváth)
BUA 4100 Business Strategy and
Planning (Prof. Bruce
BUA 3306 Consumer Behavior (Prof. KiraMüller)
MAT 1106 Mathematical Excursions (Prof.
Eszter Varga)
Economic Development
(Prof.Charles McFerren)
ECO 3320 Macroeconomic Theory (Prof.
László Horváth)
QR STA 2218 Data Analytics (Prof. Charles




COM 1101 Introduction to Communication II: Media (Prof.Aizhamal Muratalieva)
I CIN 3304 World Cinema (Prof. László Arató)
COM 2207 Communication in the Digital Age (Prof.Tamas Toth)
CIN 2201 Television Production (Prof. Timea Laboda)
IN COM 3220 Intercultural Communication (Prof.
Dominika Szabó) Prerequisite: 64 creditscompleted.
COM 4594 Senior Seminar
COM 3901 Research Proposal (1 credit)



Political Science

QR PSI 2219 Research Design and Methods (Prof. Rafal Fabianowicz
SCH,TA PSI 2208 Inventors of Political Ideas (Prof. Peter Schimert)
PSI 3333> Peacekeeping and Conflict
Resolution (Prof. Tamás
I PSI 2229PSI Non-State Actors in
International Relations (Prof.
Péter Marton)
IN,SCH PSI 2316 Revolutionary Movements
(Prof. Attila Pók)
PSI4492 Senior Capstone in Political




Completion of PSY 1106 is a general pre-requisite for all PSY courses

SCH PSY 1106 Introduction to Psychology (Prof. AgostonGalambos)
SCH PSY 2209 Developmental Psychology (Prof. YotamKramer)
PSY 3203 Psychology on the Big Screen (Prof. Zsófia Schindler)
SIL PSY 2215 Cognitive Psychology (Prof. RichardReichhardt)
QR PSY 2224 Research Methods & Statistics (Prof. Viktoria
Bodo) Prerequisites: PSY 1106
PSY4492 Capstone in Psychology
Pre/Corequisites: PSY 2224 , PSY 3200 andjunior or senior status



Journalism and New Media Minor

ENG 1103 Introduction to Journalism (Prof. Robert Smyth)
ENG 2120 Editing for Publication (Prof. Robert Smyth))




Competence Courses

FYS1170 First Year Seminar (An Introduction to the Liberal Arts through Research) (Prof. Robert Smyth)
CW ENG 1101 Intro to College Writing (Prof. Marta Siklos)
ENG 1002 College Composition  (Prof. Robert Fenlon)
ESL 1002 Oral Com Skills –2 credits (Prof. Reka Ranky)
ESL 1003 Intro to Critical Reading/TOEFL Intensive – 2 credits (Prof. Marta Siklos)



Fitness Activities

PEF KIN 1069 Badminton (Prof.Réka Ránky)
PEF KIN Boxing (Prof. Isaac Oroyovwe)



designation in left margin)

IN ENV 2122 Global Environmental Justice (Prof.
Christopher Cox)
IDS 2236ENV 2122 From Garden to Table (Prof.
Robert Smyth)
MC/TA ENG 2255 Others: Short Story Cycle (Prof. GáborTamás Molnár)
EXP CCS 1103 Contemporary Hungary (Prof. Gábor
Tamás Molnár)
MC MUL 1140 Music from the Margins (Prof. KornélMagyar)
SL HUN1101 Elementary Hungarian I (Prof. Katalin Miklósy)

(Please note that the College reserves the right to cancel or add courses or to make substitutions)


Explanation of Codes McDaniel Plan Designations

CE Creative Expression
CW College Writing
FYS First-Year Seminar
IN International Non-Western
MC Multicultural
IW International Western
QR Quantitative Reasoning
SCH Social, Cultural and Historical Understanding
SI Scientific Inquiry
SIL Scientific Inquiry with Lab
SL Second Language
TA Textual Analysis