Academic Majors and Programs

Academic Majors and Programs

Art Major

Business Administration Major

Economics Major

Communication Major

Political Science Major -- International Studies Specialization

Psychology Major

Minor in Journalism and New Media

(Other majors, minors, and programs can be accessed at the Westminster campus catalog.)

Requirements for the Art Major (specializations in Studio Art or Art History)

(All requirements according to the 2023-2024 catalog; for former requirements as well as for courses offered only on the Westminster campus, please see our Westminster campus catalog.)

Required Core:
ART 1101 – Perceptual Drawing
ART 1117 – 2D Design Concepts
AHY 1113 – Survey of Western Art I
AHY 1114 – Survey of Western Art II
AHY 2240 – A History of Modern Art or AHY 3308 World Contemporary Art
ART 4492 Senior Show Preparation Capstone (1 Cr) or AHY 4491 Independent Capstone Research (2 Cr)

Five additional studio art or art history courses. Two courses must be 3000 level or higher. Two courses must be in AHY.

Departmental Writing Requirement
AHY 3200 - Writing in Art and Art History

Requirement for the Business Administration Major

(All requirements according to the 2023-2024 catalog; for former requirements as well as for courses offered only on the Westminster campus, please see our Westminster campus catalog.)

Required Core:
BUA 1101 - Principles of Accounting I
BUA 1102 - Principles of Accounting II
BUA 2209 - Principles of Marketing
BUA 3323 - Corporate Finance and Financial Management
ECO 1102 - Economic Issues and Policy
ECO 1103 - Introduction to Economics
Economics Electives - Two additional courses at the 2000-level or higher
Mathematics - One four-credit course
STA 2215 - Introduction to Statistics
BUA 4100 - Business Strategy and Policy

Area of Concentration:
Select three courses from one of the following:
1. Entrepreneurship
2. Finance
3. International Business
4. Leadership and Management
5. Marketing

BUA 2211 - Entrepreneurship (required)

Select two courses:
BUA 2205 - The Legal Environment of Business
BUA 2210 - Ethics and Business
BUA 2214 - Principles of Management
BUA 2216 - Small Business Management
ECO 3303 - Microeconomic Theory
ENC 1T01 - Introduction to Innovation

ECO 3310 - Money and Financial Markets (required)

Select two courses:
BUA 2212 - Tax Accounting
BUA 3307 - Investments
ECO 3306 - International Finance
ECO 3320 - Macroeconomic Theory
STA 2217 - Econometrics OR
STA 2218 - Data Analytics

International Business:
Select one required course:
ECO 3304 - International Economics OR
ECO 3306 - International Finance

Select two courses:
BUA 2101 - Global Markets and Marketing
BUA 2214 - Principles of Management
COM 3320 - Intercultural Communication
ECO 3318 - European Economic History
ECO 3318 - European Economic History
ECO 3326 - Economic Development

Leadership and Management:
BUA 2214 - Principles of Management (required)

Select two courses:
BUA 2205 - The Legal Environment of Business
BUA 2210 - Ethics and Business
BUA 2216 - Small Business Management
ECO 2203 - Labor Economics
ECO 2206 - Gender Roles in the Economy
ENG 2212 - Professional Communication

Select three courses:
ART 1116 - Graphic Design I
BUA 2101 - Global Markets and Marketing
BUA 2103 – Digital Marketing
BUA 2211 - Entrepreneurship
BUA 3306 - Consumer Behavior
COM 3220 - Intercultural Communication
COM 3610 - Visual Communication
ENG 2103 - Transmedia Storytelling
ENG 2106 - Writing for Main Street
ENG 3307 - Social Media: Rhetoric and Design

BUA 4100 - Business Strategy and Policy

Departmental Writing Courses:
Students are required to take one of the following:
ECO 3326 - Economic Development
ENG 1103 - Introduction to Journalism
ENG 2106 - Writing for Main Street
ENG 2107 - Business Writing
ENG 2120 - Editing for Publication
ENG 2208 - Advanced Composition
ENG 2212 - Professional Communication
ENG 3307 - Social Media: Rhetoric and Design
ENG 3312 - Writing for Nonprofit Organizations

Requirements for the Economics Major

Required Core (24 credits):
ECO 1103 - Introduction to Economics
ECO 3303 - Microeconomic Theory
ECO 3320 - Macroeconomic Theory
COM 2202 - Qualitative Procedures
Four credit hours in Mathematics, at the level of MAT 1106 or higher
STA 2215 - Introduction to Statistics
STA 2216 - Statistical Methods OR
STA 2218 - Data Analytics

Three Economics Electives (12 credits):
ECO 2203 - Labor Economics
ECO 2T01 - SP: Economics of Sports
ECO 2T03 - SP: Public Economics
ECO 2TXX - Other Approved Special Topics courses
ECO 3304 - International Economics
ECO 3305 - American Economic History
ECO 3318 - European Economic History
ECO 3326 - Economic Development
ECO 3310 - Money and Financial Markets
ECO 4312 - Mathematical Economics

Capstone (4 credits)
ECO 4450 - Capstone in Economics

Departmental Writing Courses
Students are required to take one of the following:
ECO 3326 - Economic Development
ENG 1103 - Introduction to Journalism
ENG 2106 - Writing for Main Street
ECO 2TXX - Other Approved Special Topics courses
ENG 2107 - Business Writing
ENG 2120 - Editing for Publication
ENG 2208 - Advanced Composition
ENG 2212 - Professional Communication
ECO 3310 - Money and Financial Markets
ENG 3307 - Social Media: Rhetoric and Design
Total Program Hours: 44

Requirements for the Communication Major

(All requirements according to the 2023-2024 catalog; for former requirements as well as for courses offered only on the Westminster campus, please see our Westminster campus catalog.)

COM 1101 - Introduction to Communication: Media
COM 1102 - Introduction to Communication: Interpersonal #
COM 2201 - Quantitative Research Methods #
COM 2202 - Qualitative Procedures
COM 2206 - Communication Design
COM 2207 - Communication in the Digital Age
COM 3901 - Research Proposal #
COM 4901 - Senior Seminar #

One course from:
CIN 1101 - Introduction to Cinema
CIN 2201 - Television Production
CIN 2301 - Basic Video Editing
CIN 2Txx - Special Topics in Cinema
COM 2Txx - Special Topics in Communication

Three courses at the 3000-level or above:
CIN 3301 - Film Analysis
CIN 3303 - European Film Art
COM 3150 - Organizational Communication
COM 3160 - Health Communication
COM 3220 - Intercultural Communication
COM 3221 - Gender in Communication
COM 3410 - Critical Theories and Popular Culture
COM 3420 - Media Analysis and Criticism
COM 3501 - Communication and Interactive Media
COM 3610 - Visual Communication
COM 3Txx - Special Topics in Communication

Departmental Writing Requirement
The Department of Communication extends writing throughout the major. Required courses that are also writing intensive are noted with a # symbol.

Requirements for the Political Science Major -- International Studies Specialization

(All requirements according to the 2023-2024 catalog; for former requirements as well as for courses offered only on the Westminster campus, please see our Westminster campus catalog.)

PSI 1101 - Introduction to Political Science
PSI 2203 - International Law and Organization
PSI 2204 - Approaches to International Relations
PSI 4492 - Senior Seminar

Two courses from Political Inquiry:
PSI 2206 - American Political Thought
PSI 2208 - Inventors of Political Ideas: Intro to Political Theory
PSI 2219 - Research Design and Methods
PSI 2316 - Revolutionary Movements

Four courses from International Politics:
PSI 2205 - The European Union: History, Institutions, and Major Policies
PSI 2209 - Roma/Travellers
PSI 2213 - Comparative Politics of Europe
PSI 2218 - On the Move
PSI 2225 – Global Public Health
PSI 2236 - The Politics of the Middle East
PSI 2265 - Special Topics in Political Science
PSI 3202 – Comparative Constitutional Law
PSI 3306 - National Security in a Changing World
PSI 3307 - U.S. Foreign Policy
PSI 3310 - Politics of Latin American Development
PSI 3321 – International Criminal Law
PSI 2225 - International Relations of Asia-Pacific
PSI 3203 – Global Challenges in Biopolitics
PSI 3333 - Conflict Resolution, Peacemaking, and Peacekeeping in Post-Cold War World
PSI 3365 - Special Topics in Political Science
(PSI 2265 and PSI 3365 Special Topics in Political Science - Any course taught by one of our Political Science professors in the department or for the FYS, SIS, Honors Program, or Encompass Program, any pre-approved political science course taken while studying aboard or at another specialized program at another university such as the Washington Semester Program.)

One course from American Politics (4 credits):
PSI 1115 - Promises to Keep: Intro to Minority Politics
PSI 2201 - American Political Institutions
PSI 2206 - American Political Thought
PSI 2207 - American Public Policy
PSI 2216 - United States Campaigns and Elections
PSI 3202 - Comparative Constitutional Law
PSI 3306 - National Security in a Changing World
PSI 3307 - U.S. Foreign Policy
PSI 3308 - American Constitutional Law
PSI 3319 - American Civil Liberties
ENV 2215 - Environmental Policy

Two Credits in Directed Studies from:
Internship in Political Science
Independent Studies in Political Science

Departmental Writing in Political Science
Two political science courses in International Politics
Two courses in Political Inquiry from:
PSI 2206 - American Political Thought
PSI 2208 - Inventors of Political Ideas: Intro to Political Theory
PSI 2219 - Research Design and Methods
PSI 2316 - Revoluntionary Movements

PSI 4492 - Senior Seminar

Requirements for the Psychology Major

(All requirements according to the 2023-2024 catalog; for former requirements as well as for courses offered only on the Westminster campus, please see our Westminster campus catalog.)

PSY 1106 - Introduction to Psychology (Must pass PSY 1106 with a grade of C or better)
PSY 2223 - Psychological Methods & Statistics I (Fall only)
PSY 2224 - Psychological Methods & Statistics II and Lab (Spring only)
PSY 3200 - Writing in Psychology (Fall only)

TWO courses from:
PSY 2201 - Psychology of Learning and Animal Laboratory (Westminster campus only)
PSY 2214 - Behavioral Neuroscience
PSY 2215 - Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Laboratory

ONE course from:
PSY 2211 - Abnormal Psychology
PSY 2305 - Health Psychology
PSY 2337 - Counseling Psychology

Requirements for the Minor in Journalism and New Media

(All requirements according to the 2023-2024 catalog; for former requirements as well as for courses offered only on the Westminster campus, please see our Westminster campus catalog.)

ENG 1103 - Introduction to Journalism
ENG 2204 - Advanced News Reporting
ENG 2205 - Media Ethics

Three courses chosen from:
At least one course must have a focus on new media (marked with an asterisk) and at least one course must be 3000-level.
CIN 2201 - Television Production
  or CIN 2301 - Basic Video Editing

ENG 2120 - Editing for Publication
ENG 2215 - Newspaper Practicum (offered at the Budapest campus)
  and ENG 2216 - Newspaper Practicum (offered at the Budapest campus)

ENG 2219 - Multimedia Writing & Design *
ENG 2295 - Internship in English (With journalism focus)
  or ENG 3395 - Internship in English (With journalism focus)
ENG 3307 - Social Media: Rhetoric and Design *
ENG 3319 - Digital Publishing *

For further information about the academic programs of McDaniel College, please check our main campus catalog: