Tuition, room, and board are normally billed on a semester basis. Statements reflecting the charges minus financial aid are normally sent to your McDaniel email address from the Bursar’s Office. The actual cost for the semester depends on the type of housing and meal plan. If there is a surplus, it will be refunded, if you need to pay a little more, you can do that on arrival.
Payment should reach the bank of McDaniel by August 3 if you transfer for the Fall Semester or by January 4 if you transfer for the spring semester. Students enrolled for more than 22 credits per semester are billed for each credit hour over 22 (USD 1,045 per credit)
You may transfer funds directly to the bank of McDaniel. To do so, your bank will need the following information:
Include the student’s name on the transaction sheet
If you have questions, please call the Bursar Ms. Harriett Corbran (1410/857 2210) or send her an email message.