Fall semester 2024

(Any course may be taken as an elective if there are no prerequisites or a student has satisfied them.)
McDaniel Plan Designation

Art and Art History

CE ART 1101 Perceptual Drawing(Prof. Zsofia Görömbei)
CE ART 2210 Digital Photography (Prof. Gabriella Csoszo)
CE ART 1116 Graphic Design I (Prof. Csilla Kőszeghy)
ART 3xxxx Introduction to Felting Art (Prof. Agota


ART 4492 Senior Show Preparation
AHY 4491 Capstone Research
SCH/CE AHY 1113 Survey of Art I(Prof. Gabriella Szigethy) Pdf files will be sent by the professor
I AHY 3308 World Contemporary Art (Prof. Attila




Passing both parts of the Math Proficiency Test (Arithmetic & Basic Algebra) is a general prerequisite for all courses in Business, Economics, Mathematics and Statistics. The prerequisite for upper-level (3000 or 4000) courses in Economics is completion of ECO 2201 Principles of Economics

BUA 1101 Principles of Accounting I (Prof. Gergely Mohl)
BUA 2209 Principles of Marketing (Prof. Zoltan Sipos)
IN BUA 2101 Global Markets and Marketings (Prof. Bruce Hoggard)
BUA 2211 Entrepreneurship (Prof. Kira Müller)
SCH ECO 1103 Introduction to Economics (Prof. Laszlo Horvath)
I ECO 3304 International Economics (Prof.Charles McFerren)
ECO 3303 Microeconomic Theory (Prof.László Horváth)
QR STA 2215 Introduction to Statistics for Social Sciences (Prof. Charles McFerren)
ENG 1103 Introduction to Journalism (Prof. Robert Smyth)



COM 1102 Introduction to Communication I:Interpersonal (Prof.Dominika Szabo)
MC COM 3221 Gender in Communication (Prof.Aizhamal Muratalieva )
CIN 1101 Introduction to Cinema(Prof. Laszlo Arato)
CIN 2301 Basic Video Editing (Prof. Timea Laboda)
COM 3420 Media Analysis and Criticism (Prof.Tamás Toth)
COM 3901 Research Proposal (1 credit)
COM 4901 Senior Seminar


Political Science

SCH PSI 1101 Introduction to Political Science
(Prof. Fanni Elek)
MC PSI 2218 On the Move: Migration andLaw (Prof. Tamas Hoffman)
PSI 3307 US Foreign Policy (Prof. John Fogarasi)
I PSI 2205 The European Union (Prof. Rafal Fabianowicz)
PSI 4492 Senior Capstone in Political Science



Completion of PSY 1106 is a general prerequisite for all PSY courses

SCH PSY 1106 Introduction to Psychology (Prof. Agoston Galambos)
PSY 3216 Psychology and Language (Prof. Anna Babarczy)
PSY 2204 Social Psychology (Prof. András Parák)
SI PSY 2214 Behavioral Neuroscience (Prof. Richard Reichhardt)
PSY 2223 Research Methods & Statistics Prerequisites: PSY 1106 and passing of the Math Proficiency Test
PSY 3200 Writing in Psychology (Prof. Richard Reichardt)
PSY 2337 Counseling Psychology (Prof. Yotam Kramer)
PSY 4492 Capstone in Psychology (Prof. Anna Babarczy) Pre/Corequisites: PSY 2224 , PSY 3200 and junior or senior status

Journalism and New Media Minor

ENG 1103 Introduction to Journalism (Prof. Robert Smyth)
ENG 2205 Media Ethics (Prof. Aizhamal Murataileva )

Competence Courses

FYS 1170 First-Year Seminar An Intro to the Liberal Arts through Research (Prof. Robert Smyth)
CW ENG 1101 Introduction to College Writing (4 credits) (Prof. Marta Siklós)
ENG 1002 College Composition (Prof.Orsolya Szűcs )
ESL 1002 Oral Communication Skills – 2 credits (Prof. Reka Ranky)
MAT 1100 Mathematical Fundamentals (4 credits) ((Prof. Eszter Varga))


Physical Education Skill activities

PES KIN Boxing (Prof. Isaac Oroyovwe)
PES KIN Weight Training (Prof. Réka Ranky)



ELECTIVES NOT APPEARING ABOVE (McDaniel Plan designation in left margin)

SIL BIO 2100 The Molecular Design of Life (Prof.László Nyitray)
I/TA ENG 2236 World Literature (Prof. Gábor Tamás Molnár)
SCH HIS 2248 Surviving Totalitarianism. (Prof. Attila Pok)
EXP IDS 2236 From Garden to Table (Prof. Robert Smyth)
SI GSC 2210 History of Modern Science (Prof. Matthew Adamson)
IN MUL 1130 Survey of World Music (Prof. Kornél Magyar)
SL HUN 1101 Elementary Hungarian I (Prof. Katalin Miklosy) Pdf/reader will be sent by the professor

(Please note that the College reserves the right to cancel or add courses or to make substitutions)


Explanation of Codes McDaniel Plan Designations

CE Creative Expression
CW College Writing
FYS First-Year Seminar
IN International Non-Western
MC Multicultural
I International
QR Quantitative Reasoning
SCH Social, Cultural and Historical Understanding
SI Scientific Inquiry
SIL Scientific Inquiry with Lab
SL Second Language
TA Textual Analysis