The Psychology major involves coursework that explores behavior, emotions, cognitive processes and the factors that influence them from a variety of perspectives.
Psychology is a pluralistic discipline with roots in and connections to the natural sciences, the social sciences, medicine, and the humanities, and the McDaniel Europe program gives students training in these various roots, providing rigorous theoretical and practical training necessary for a career as a psychologist in medicine, business, and education, as well as preparation for graduate-level work. Psychology students work closely with faculty and other students on research projects, developing their own, individualized research projects in their final year. This work is enhanced with internship opportunities putting students in different, challenging organizational environments in which their growing knowledge of psychology is essential.
Students completing the Psychology major will find many professional opportunities in business, education, medicine, and public administration. The Psychology major is also the best platform for advancing to graduate programs in counselling, school psychology, education, clinical psychology, psychological science, social work, criminal justice, organizational psychology, behavior analysis, law school and education administration.
Psychology gives a student a wonderful understanding of oneself and of other people, and a sense of how we function in the world and the things that are important to us.
PSY 1106 - Introduction to Psychology (Must pass PSY 1106 with a grade of C or better)
PSY 2223 - Psychological Methods & Statistics I (Fall only)
PSY 2224 - Psychological Methods & Statistics II and Lab (Spring only)
PSY 3200 - Writing in Psychology (Fall only)
TWO courses from:
PSY 2201 - Psychology of Learning and Animal Laboratory (Westminster campus only)
PSY 2214 - Behavioral Neuroscience
PSY 2215 - Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Laboratory
PSY 2305 - Health Psychology
ONE course from:
PSY 2211 - Abnormal Psychology
PSY 2337 - Counseling Psychology
ONE course from:
PSY 2204 - Social Psychology
PSY 2209- Developmental Psyhology
An additional four (4) credit PSY course
An additional 3000-level
PSY 4492-Capstone in Psychology