An interdisciplinary major, Communication deals with the function, processes, and analysis of human communication from one-on-one interactions to global networks.
Communication students are engaged in both analyzing and creating verbal, non-verbal, visual, and social messages and meanings. They learn to design messages for specific audiences, interpret mediated messages of all kinds, and act as mediators between different organizations and cultures. Small class sizes permit one-on-one work where Communication students learn how to create an effective social science study, and employ it in an individually-tailored research project. Communication internship and independent study opportunities give students the chance to apply their skills in journalistic forums and social media.
Students completing the Communication major are prepared for graduate work in communication theory, media studies, film and cinematography, journalism, and information systems, and for professional careers in video, print and electronic media, advertising, information systems, etc. The program offers opportunities for internships in various aspects of the field including newspaper publishing, and public relations writing in Budapest.
We discover how social media can be used as a platform of exchange and communication, how to write today, how to design a message, and approach a specific audience.
COM 1101 - Introduction to Communication: Media
COM 1102 - Introduction to Communication: Interpersonal #
COM 2201 - Quantitative Research Methods #
COM 2202 - Qualitative Procedures
COM 2206 - Communication Design
COM 2207 - Communication in the Digital Age
COM 3901 - Research Proposal #
COM 4901 - Senior Seminar #
One course from:
CIN 1101 - Introduction to Cinema
CIN 2201 - Television Production
CIN 2301 - Basic Video Editing
CIN 2Txx - Special Topics in Cinema
COM 2Txx - Special Topics in Communication
Three courses at the 3000-level or above:
CIN 3301 - Film Analysis
CIN 3303 - European Film Art
COM 3150 - Organizational Communication
COM 3160 - Health Communication
COM 3220 - Intercultural Communication
COM 3221 - Gender in Communication
COM 3410 - Critical Theories and Popular Culture
COM 3420 - Media Analysis and Criticism
COM 3501 - Communication and Interactive Media
COM 3610 - Visual Communication
COM 3Txx - Special Topics in Communication
Departmental Writing Requirement
The Department of Communication extends writing throughout the major. Required courses that are also writing intensive are noted with a # symbol.