COM 1102 Introduction to Communication: Interpersonal
Credits: 4
A broad historical and theoretical introduction to the study of human communication in the context of face-to-face and small group interaction. Homework and classroom participation put a strong emphasis on writing and speaking.
COM 1103 Introduction to Communication: Media
Credits: 4
This course studies how individuals use media to communicate, and how such media use affects public communication. Students will explore media' s economic, political, and cultural roles; media's informative, persuasive, and entertainment functions; 1st amendment issues; and key theories.
COM 1110 Public Speaking
Credits: 4
The practical application of basic principles and techniques of public speaking. This is an introductory course designed to prepare students to meet a variety of public oral communication situations.
COM 2203 Communication Research Methods: Quantitative
Credits: 4 Prerequisites Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in both COM 1102 and COM 1103.
The purposes and methods of formal researching the study of human communication. The main focus of this course is the communication research process from a quantitative perspective. Specific topics include philosophy of science, research design, data collection, data analysis, statistics, and reasoning.
COM 2204 Qualitative Procedures
Credits: 4 Prerequisites Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in both COM 1102 and COM 1103.
The purposes and methods of formal research in the study of human communication. The main focus of this course is the communication research process from a qualitative perspective.
COM 2265 Special Topics in Communication
Credits: 4
The study of a selected topic in the discipline. Different topics are chosen for each offering, based on students' interests and needs.
COM 2295 Internship in Communication
Credits: 0-4
Supervised field experiences in appropriate settings, usually off-campus, designed to assist students in acquiring and using skills and knowledge of the discipline unique to the selected topic.
COM 2298 Independent Studies in Communication
Credits: N/A
Directed study planned and conducted with reference to the needs of those students who are candidates for departmental honors. Qualified students who are not candidates for such honors but who desire to do independent studies are also admitted with permission of the Department.
COM 3326 Organizational Communication
Credits: 4 Prerequisites Junior or Senior Standing.
An examination of the communicative practices employed by organizations in their internal and external activities. Topics include: historical and current approaches to the study of organization communication; the development and application of theory to organizational communication problems; research methods used to evaluate organizations and their communicative practices. Students conduct on-site field studies and prepare written and oral presentations of their findings.
COM 3338 European Film Art
Credits: 4 Creative Expression. Prerequisite: Junior or Senior Standing.
Theoretical approaches to the study of film, the analysis of film making techniques and styles with reference to the roots of European film (Fritz Lang, Eisenstein, and the early work of Bunuel), but focusing on the important schools and trends of European cinema in the post-war period. Subjects include the major works of leading film directors, such as Fellini, Visconti, Antonioni, Bunuel, Truffaut, Godard, Wim Wenders, Werner Herzog, and Tarkovsky. (Budapest Campus only.)
COM 3352 Intercultural Communication
Credits: N/A International Western. Prerequisite: Junior or Senior Standing.
This course presents in an overview of current issues in communicating across cultures. The course examines how people from various ethnic, gender, generational, racial, cultural and religious backgrounds exchange meaning. Study will focus on many of the cultural variables in communication as well as how those variables work holistically within cultural systems. Topics include how the interaction between language, thinking patterns and culture affect communication, the nature of culture, issues of power, verbal and nonverbal codes.
COM 3381 Health Communication
Credits: 4 Prerequisites Junior or Senior standing.
The communication of health care with a focus on physicians and other providers, healthcare organizations, special interest groups, and government agencies. Particular issues include social support, gender, agenda setting, persuasive health campaigns, health policy, and media.
COM 4594 Senior Seminar
Credits: 4 Prerequisites: completion of COM 2203, COM 2204
This Capstone Seminar requires each student to design, execute and present a significant research project which focuses on a specific Communication phenomenon and uses either.
ENG 1103 Introduction to Journalism
Credits: 4 Prerequisites ENG 1101.
A study of the news media in America, including how they work, their strengths, weaknesses, problems, and priorities with an emphasis on print journalism and journalists. Students also receive instruction in the art of news reporting and writing.
ENG 2204 Advanced News Reporting and Writing
Credits: 4 Prerequisites ENG 1101.
Advanced skills in news reporting and writing. Students learn and practice interviewing and other forms of news gathering and apply those methods in a variety of news and feature stories.