Stepping it up: making the transition to advanced workouts


By Virág Kiss

If you’re reading this, then you should be past the beginner stage of weight training and in search of the best intermediate or advanced workouts and exercises. You’ve come to the perfect place because I’m going to give you a handful of effective intermediate and advanced workout exercises to achieve a lean and muscular body.

Before we get down to the real training program, there are a few important things that you need to know about intermediate/advanced workouts in general.

Advanced workout information

Unlike beginners who all typically tend to benefit most from the same type of basic beginner workouts such as cardio training, light weight lifting, yoga and power plate, intermediate and advanced workouts depend on what you want to achieve. For instance, a program that is definitely geared towards strength is completely different to a program which targets building muscle.

This is precisely the reason why I can’t give you perfect everyday guidelines that should always stand for all intermediate/advanced workout programs because there’re so many individual steps which we can’t ignore.


Are you looking to step out of your comfort zone and try some serious training program? Then this advanced bodybuilder workout is created to destroy (No pain, no gain! J ) each muscle group once a week. Monday you will hit shoulders, Tuesday for arms, Wednesday for legs, Thursday for back and Friday for chest. Get ready because we’ll show the world that you got a six pack under your shirt! You will do 1 ab exercise at the beginning of each daily workout.

Monday – Shoulder day

  1. Abs – Decline sit ups
    Recommended sets: 3 x 12
    Set the decline bench to an angle of between 30 and 45 degrees (the higher the angle, the harder the sit ups will be). Sit on the bench with your feet resting under the pads. Cross your arms across your chest and lean back until your back almost
    touches the bench. Raise yourself back up until your upper body is vertical, then lower again.11111
  2. Barbell front raise
    Recommended sets: 4 x 12

    Set up for the barbell front raise by loading a straight bar with the weights that you can just about lift. Grasp the bar with an overhand grip with your hands, shoulder width apart. Stand up and straighten your body and let the barbell rest on your thighs. Pull your shoulders back, take the weight off your thighs and hold it about 10 cm from your body. This is the starting position for the exercise. Keeping your arms straight, slowly raise the barbell up to shoulder height until it is parallel to the floor. Pause, and then slowly lower the barbell back to the starting position. Repeat this move.
  1. Upright raw

Recommended sets: 3×15

Load up a barbell with the weight you want to use and stand facing it with your feet around shoulder width apart. Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip. Pick the bar up, bending at the knees and keeping your back straight. Lift the bar straight up while keeping it as close to your body as possible (you should pull the bar up to around chest height – nearly touching your chin). Pause, and then slowly lower the bar back to the starting position. Repeat it fifteen times in a row.


Tuesday – Arm day

  1. Abs – Hanging leg raise
    Recommended sets: 4 x 10

All you need for this exercise is somewhere to hang from. It could be a chinup bar or it could be from a branch of a tree. While keeping your legs straight, raise them up slowly. You should raise your legs are high as possible. Pause for a second, and slowly lower your legs back to the starting position. Repeat the desired reps.


2 .Standing barbell curl

Recommended sets: 3 x 8

Grasp a barbell at around shoulder width apart using an underhand grip. Stand straight up, feet together, back straight, and with your arms fully extended. The bar should not be touching your body. Keeping your eyes facing forwards, elbows tucked in at your side and slowly curl the bar up. Squeeze your biceps hard at the top of the movement, and then slowly lower it back to the starting position. Repeat for desired reps.

3. Cable curl

Recommended sets: 3 x 8
Stand facing the cable machine with your legs shoulder width apart. Grasp the bar with an underhand grip and your hands about shoulder width apart. Keeping your elbows tucked in by your sides; slowly curl the bar up as far as possible. Squeeze the biceps at the top of the movement, and then slowly lower it back to starting position. Do not pause, but go straight into the next rep!

     4.Triceps Dip

Recommended sets: 4 x 8
Grasp the parallel dip bars with an inward grip. Slowly lower yourself down, keeping your eyes facing forward. Lower until your elbows are at around the same height as your shoulders, and then raise your body back up without locking your arms at the top of the movement. Repeat the desired reps.



Wednesday – Leg day

  1. Abs – Plank

Recommended sets: 3 x 1 minute
Set up for the plank by getting a mat and laying down on your stomach with your elbows lifting you off the floor. Keeping yourself completely straight, hold this position for as long as possible. Typically, the plank is done for 3 x 1 minute sets. However, as you get stronger your should be able to do 1 – 3 minutes.


Recommended sets: 3 x 12

Stand with your feet at about shoulder width apart. You should bend at the knees and straighten your back. Your butt should come out and drop straight down. Squat down until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Do not lock the knees out when you stand up, and then repeat the movement.






  3. 45 degree leg press

Recommended sets: 4 x 8

Sit down on the leg press machine and position your feet at about shoulder width apart, in the middle of the foot plate. Extend your legs to take the weight off the racks, and release the safety catch. Your knees should be slightly bent at the start of the movement. Slowly lower the weight down until your legs are just past a 45 degree angle. Push through your heels and extend your legs to move the weight back up to the starting position. Repeat the movement the desired reps.







Thursday – Back day

  1. Abs – Decline abdominal reach

Recommended sets: 3 x 12
Set a decline bench at a height of between 30 and 45 degrees. *TIP*: The higher you set the bench the more challenging the exercise will be. Position yourself on the bench with your head at the lowest end. Get into the starting position by putting your hands together pointing at the air and raising your shoulder blades slightly off the bench. Keep your hands together; reach straight up towards the air as far as possible. Pause, and then lower yourself back to the starting position.

    2. Wide grip pull up

Recommended sets: 3 x 8
Grasp the pull up bar with a wider than shoulder width overhand grip. Bend your knees to take your weight off the floor. This is the starting position. Look up towards the bar, and slowly pull yourself up until you chin is over the bar. Slowly lower yourself back to the starting position. Repeat the desired reps.    


    3. Cable row

Recommended sets: 4 x 12

Grasp the bar, keep your legs slightly bent and your back straight, pull the weight up slightly off the stack. You should be sitting straight upright with your shoulders back. This is the starting position. Keeping your body in position, pull the handle into your stomach. Pull your shoulder blades back, squeeze, pause, and then slowly lower the weight back to the starting position. Repeat the desired reps.

Friday – Chest day

  1. Abs – Exercise ball crunch

Recommended sets: 3 x 15
Sit on the exercise ball with your feet flat on the floor wider than shoulder with apart. Step forward with your feet allowing the exercise ball to roll back to your lower back. Touch the side of your head with the tips of your fingers. This is the starting position. Squeeze the abs tight and pause. Repeat the desired reps.



  1. Dumbbell Flys

Recommended sets: 3 x 8
Lay back on the bench and extend your arms out, holding the dumbbells above your body with a neutral grip. Bend your arms slightly, this is the starting position. Slowly lower the dumbbells out to your sides in a semi-circle. Once the dumbbells get about level with your chest, squeeze the chest muscles and raise the dumbbells back up using the same path of motion (semi circle) as you did on the way down. Without letting the dumbbells touch, slowly lower them again. Repeat the desired reps.


  1. Barbell bench press

Recommended sets: 3 x 10
Lie back on the flat bench. With a medium width grip and palms facing forward, lift the bar from the rack and hold it straight over you with your arms locked. This will be your starting position. Slowly lower the bar straight down to the middle of your chest. Don’t let the bar touch your chest! Pause, then slowly raise the bar back up. Do not lock your elbows out or rest at the top, go straight back into your next rep. Repeat the desired reps.



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